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The church season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and continues until Easter Sunday.  Lent offers us each the opportunity for reflection and reconciliation as we journey towards the Resurrection on Easter morning. We invite you take part in the many opportunies to grow in faith together this season.

Lent at Holy Rosary Parish
Little Black Book
Little Black Book

 The Little Black Book has been donated again this year for those who would like to use it.  The Little Black Book offers a series of short reflections on the parables of the New Testament.  Please take one per family.


Holy Rosary Parish Reconcilliation






The church season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and continues until Easter Sunday.  Lent offers us each the opportunity for reflection and reconciliation as we journey towards the Resurrection on Easter morning. We invite you take part in the many opportunies to grow in faith together this season.

Lent at Holy Rosary Parish
Little Black Book
Little Black Book

 The Little Black Book has been donated again this year for those who would like to use it.  The Little Black Book offers a series of short reflections on the parables of the New Testament.  Please take one per family.


Holy Rosary Parish Reconcilliation
Station of the Cross at Holy Rosary Parish
Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross will be held every Friday at 11:30 AM & 6PM.  An online version of Stations of the Cross for Lenten reflection may be  found  by using the menu above or clicking here.


Road To Resurrection at Holy Rosary Parish
The Road to Resurrection
Held the week of February 26th at Sts. Cyril and Methodious Parish at the Church of Saint Joseph on Laurel Street in Hazleton.  Mass will be celebrated each evening at 6:30 PM.
This year's presenter was Rev. Mark Ward.


Road to Resurrection Day 1

Road to Resurrection Day 2

Road to Resurrection Day 3

Road to Resurrection Day 4

Our Mission

We, the people of Holy Rosary Parish, are committed through our baptism to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ in our own times and place.  As God's family, we are committed to living the Gospel through the celebration of the Eucharist and the other sacraments, faithfully presenting and living the teachings of the Church, and to love as Jesus loved, especially in regard to the poor, the needy and the troubled.

© 2025 Holy Rosary Parish, Hazleton PA. 

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