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The Holy Rosary Parish offers many opportunities to grow in faith together.  From inquiry in joining the Catholic Church to adult faith formation, we invite and encourage you to participate. 



  The Right of Christian Initiation for Adults welcomes new members to the faith and brings them into full communion with the Catholic Church.  Are you curious about the Catholic Faith? Would you like to know more about becoming Catholic?  Please feel free to contact the Parish Office for more information.

Pastoral Council â€‹

Our Pastoral Council advises and assists the pastor in areas of pastoral concern and pastoral planning by making recommendations on non-technical matters, focuses on the mission of the church, diocese and parish, and promotes communion and mission. The council serves as a liaison with the parish ministries.


Our Finance Committee oversees the efficient and effective use and management of parish resources.


Our Buildings and Grounds Committee acts as an advisory committee overseeing all of the church facilities.


Our Social Justice/Outreach Committee informs parishioners about the social justice needs in our local and the larger world communities and provides concrete ways and means to help meet those needs. Some activities include food drives, the Giving Tree, and pro-life activities.

Liturgical Ministries

​Liturgical Ministries work to foster meaningful worship. The Liturgical Ministries consist of:


Our Music Ministry brings people closer to God through music. The focus is to enhance congregational singing, thereby uniting us as one through sung prayer. There is an Adult and a Children's choir.


Our Cantors lead the parish in worship through song.


Our Extraordinary Ministers of Communion distribute the Holy Eucharist and the Blood of Christ to members of the congregation during Mass or to the sick and homebound.


Our Altar Servers assist the pastor at Mass. Any boy or girl entering the 3rd grade or older can serve in this ministry.


Our Lectors proclaim the Word of God in the first two scripture readings, as well as assist in creating a hospitable and prayerful environment by leading the Prayers of the Faithful.


Our Ushers/Greeters welcome parishioners coming to Masses, help people find seats, take up collections, and distribute the parish bulletin. This ministry is open to all men, women, and young adults.

Youth and Young Adult Ministry


Our Youth and Young Adult Ministry seeks to foster the spiritual and social needs of our youth and young adults through a variety of programs, events, and outreach.

Men's Group


The Men's Group of Holy Rosary Parish meets every other Friday at 6:30AM in the Parish Hall.  All men are welcome to join in  prayer, fellowship and discussion.  

Religious Eduation Program

​Our Religious Education Program is designed to assist parents in their role as primary educators of their children by providing formal classroom instruction in the doctrines of our faith and an environment which enables children to apply these teachings to their lives.  Faith Formation is offered for children entering kindergarten through eighth grade.  Classes meet on Sundays after the 9AM liturgy during the months of September through May.  

Adult Faith Formation


  Our Adult Faith Formation Group organizes programs to enhance the ongoing faith life of adults through group studies, retreats, guest speakers, etc.  We hope to provide several new opportunities for adult faith formation throughout the year.  Watch this website and the bulletin for upcoming program announcements.  

Ministry to the Hospialized and Homebound

​Ministry to the Hospitalized and Homebound is an important aspect of every parish. 


Those who are not physically able to come to church should be offered the Sacraments of the Anointing of the Sick, Reconciliation and the Eucharist.  In taking the Eucharist to the homebound, the priest is assisted by Extrodinary Ministers of Holy Communion.


If you or a loved one is not able to come to church, please let us know.  Or if you would like to assist in this important ministry of outreach to our parishioners in need, please contact us.



Prayer Shawl Ministry


Our Prayer Shawl Ministry gathers in prayer and talent to produce hand-made shawls for distribution to those of our parish or community in need.  See the bulletin for meeting times or contact the parish office for more information.

Christian Women's Society

​Our Christian Women's Society serves to unite and encourage the women of our parish to share their talents and energies to support our parish through fundraising, spiritual, charitable and social activities.  Committees include:


Our Parish Life Committee, who coordinate spiritual and social activities to enhance the Christian fellowship of our parishioners.


Our Hospitality Committee, who welcomes new members into our parish community and encourages them to become active members of the parish.


Our Volunteers, who provide help on an as-needed basis at various parish events (i.e., bazaar, bake sales, fundraiser, etc.) at the parish office, or on the parish grounds.


Our Mission

We, the people of Holy Rosary Parish, are committed through our baptism to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ in our own times and place.  As God's family, we are committed to living the Gospel through the celebration of the Eucharist and the other sacraments, faithfully presenting and living the teachings of the Church, and to love as Jesus loved, especially in regard to the poor, the needy and the troubled.

© 2025 Holy Rosary Parish, Hazleton PA. 

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